Interim Ministry

What is Interim Ministry?

Interim ministry is primarily one of Word and Sacrament during the transition time following the resignation or retirement of a congregation’s pastor. The interim pastor plays a very significant role in the life of a congregation. When a pastor leaves a congregation, there are a number of termination emotions that must be dealt with if the congregation is to be healthy and prepared for the arrival of the new permanent pastor. The interim pastor is one who facilitates the expression of these emotions and brings leadership and stability to that situation. There are some ministry settings that require normal ministry between pastorates; other settings may need an interim specialist to help address specific needs.

If you are interested in becoming an interim pastor in the SW MN Synod, please contact Synod Minister Heather Culuris online or at 507-637-3904.

SW MN Synod interims generally meet via Zoom on the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m.

Serving Communion in Church

Interim Ministry for Congregations

Beginning the Interim is step 2 in the call process for congregations.

  • Synod staff helps the congregation arrange for interim ministry.
  • Church council helps keep the congregation focused on its mission.
  • Congregation continues its ministry.

Interim Forms and Documents

More documents for interim ministry during the call process can be found on the call process page.

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