Southwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA

By God's grace, together we have what we need.

As members of the ELCA, we believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus Christ’s name throughout the world.

The Southwestern Minnesota is one of 65 synods in the ELCA, which are grouped into nine regions. Our Region 3 consists of the nine synods of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. We are the third largest synod in terms of number of congregations with 232 congregations and two synodically authorized worshiping communities. We are the fourth largest synod in terms of baptized members with 102,163. The synod is divided into 10 geographical conferences.

We have 366 ministers (including 153 retired ministers) are rostered in the Southwestern Minnesota Synod.

Conference Members Lighting Candles

Southwestern Minnesota Synod Mission Statement

The congregations and all the baptized who are the Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are claimed by this mission:

God places us in cities, farms and towns together under one prairie sky.

The Risen Christ surprises us with opportunities to plant God’s Word in the world.

Walking together in confidence,
we cultivate life-giving congregations,
nurture partner ministries, and
cooperate in the life of the ELCA.

By God’s grace, together we have what we need.

Conference Worship Service
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