Synod Book Club for Rostered Ministers

Words, Words, Words

One of the things we learned in the last few years is how to use new online tools to gather around shared interests. Recently, it was suggested to synod staff that we could start a book club for rostered ministers to gather online and discuss various faith & ministry related titles. After all, most of our "To Read" lists are so long already, let's help each other get through them! One of the leaders interested in the project suggested this didn't have to be limited to books, we could also meet to discuss relevant podcasts. Who knows how it might expand next! 

This is an invitation to use this opportunity to connect with one another and to build up each other in ministry. It is an invitation to gather leaders of similar passions and interests around a common text. It is hoped that this will facilitate learning, community and conversation. The texts & topics will vary and the hope is that this variety will engage lots of folks. 

Stack of Books

Now Reading:

The Podcast to start with: 
Emerged: An Oral History of the Emerging Church Movement Discussion Group

In October, Tripp Fuller, theologian and creator of the Homebrewed Christianity podcast, and Tony Jones, writer and theologian, announced they would create a podcast documenting the Emerging Church Movement (ECM). Set to launch in January 2024, the podcast will tell the history of the ECM (roughly 1998-2011) by weaving together interviews with key figures of the movement including Brian McLaren, Diana Butler Bass, and Nadia Bolz-Weber with events and topics such as outreach on new mediums, leadership networks, experimentation, and church planting. The final episodes will explore the legacy of the ECM within the church today. If you are a fan of the book The Great Emergence by Phyllis Tickle, Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, or Rob Bell's Nooma videos, then this would be a good group for you! 

Join Pastor Courtney Young (Faith in Becker) for a casual discussion group digging into the previous month's episodes. First Zoom gathering will be held on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 2pm. 

Questions, comments, write to [email protected].

Click here to sign me up for the "Emerged" podcast discussion group!

Facebook Group

Join the SW MN Synod Book Club Group! 

This group will have announcements, comments and discussions beyond the scheduled Zoom Book Club Gatherings. Click here to join!

"To Read" List

As we've thought about books to read and discuss together, we've realized that due to busy schedules, it's for the best if each book group sets its own schedule for how often to meet & when for each book. These are some books that we thought the rostered leaders of the synod would appreciate, would you tell us which you'd be most interested in reading?

If you have other books you're interested in with a faith, ministry, or rostered-minister-life related theme, please let us know at [email protected] We'd love to know the book title, author, and what sparked your interest in the book. Thank you!

Pr. Troy Pflibsen
Pr. Kay Rohloff
Pr. Courtney Young
Pr. Emmy Swedlund

Synod Book Club

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These are some books we thought the rostered leaders of the synod would appreciate, would you tell us which you'd be most interested in reading?(Required)
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