Call Process

This web page is the beginning of a resource that will guide you through the steps of a pastoral transition. During this journey you will work with the bishop, the synod ministers and staff, and your conference call team. May God bless and guide you and your congregation during this time of change, loss, reflection, discovery, choices, and new beginnings.

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

- Morning Prayer -
Evangelical Lutheran Worship pg. 304

Call Process Roadmap for Congregations

Upon resignation of the current pastor, the congregation president should contact the synod office for guidance on next steps. Synod staff will continue to walk alongside the congregation throughout the whole transition time.

1. Saying Goodbye Well

When a pastor announces that he/she will be leaving a congregation, it is natural to have a time of grief. Therefore, it is important to take time to say goodbye, give thanks, and bid a clear farewell, and Godspeed. Doing this well will be significant in setting the stage for the next chapter.

2. Interim and Discernment

Synod staff will assist the congregation in finding an interim pastor. Until then, congregation leadership may use trained lay leaders, retired pastors, and/or the Southwestern Minnesota pulpit supply list to lead worship services.

3. Complete Congregation Mission Assessment and Ministry Site Profile

Synod staff will help congregation leaders understand the Mission Assessment Process and completing the Ministry Site Proifle (MSP). This important work is typically completed by a transition/study team or by the call committee. The interim pastor assists with the MSP. Upon completion of the MSP, contact synod staff.

4. Forming the Call Committee

The Call Committee is formed by following the congregation’s constitution and should reflect the demographics of the congregation. A chair is elected from the committee. The committee will interview potential candidates and make a recommendation to council. Synod staff will give an orientation to the Call Committee.

5. Considering Candidates

Synod staff present candidates to call committee for consideration. Names may surface from the congregation, synod staff, or the candidate themselves. The call committee prepares interview questions and discusses strategy. They may want to consider doing practice interviews.

6. Extending the Call

The call committee recommends a candidate to council. If the candidate is approved by council, the chair contacts the candidate regarding a potential call and a congregation vote is scheduled. Bid farewell and Godspeed to the interim pastor.

7. Welcoming Your New Pastor

Contact synod office to set up installation date and welcome your new pastor to your community.

Call Process Manual

The call process forms are fillable PDF's. After downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader, download and save the form to your device. To open the form, click on the pdf (document) you saved. The PDF should open into a fillable form with digital signatures. Click here for instructions on how to electronically sign a document. If you are unable to use an electronic signature or would prefer using a paper form, download and print the pdf.

Step 3 - Complete Congregation Mission Assessment and Ministry Site Profile (MSP).

Step 7 - Welcoming Your New Pastor.

Resources coming soon

Need Assistance?

Tammy Schacher, Roster/Call Process Administrator
(507) 627-9041
[email protected]

Rev. Heather Culuris, Synod Minister
(507) 627-9047
[email protected]

Rev. Seyward Ask, Synod Minister
[email protected]

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