Stir up the wills of all who look to you, Lord God, and strengthen our faith in your coming, that, transformed by grace, we may walk in your way; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (ELW Advent 3)
Dear Southwestern Minnesota Synod Partner,
The One seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new!” (Rev. 21) God’s newness is happening here in our Southwestern Minnesota Synod. Your gifts to our 2017 Advent Appeal* will transform people’s lives, grow faith-filled disciples of Jesus, and give hope to hungry people as God’s love is shared right here in Southwest Minnesota and extended with our partners in South Africa! Your generosity matters!
When you give a gift to our 2017 Advent Appeal, all gifts – up to the first $10,000 – will be MATCHED for local and global mission projects. Bethel Lutheran of Willmar has offered this challenge for us to raise at least an additional $10,000 in the 2017 Advent Appeal so together we can do MORE!
Our local mission outreach will be extended. Hear this testimony from Kendra Frodermann, 15, First Evangelical Lutheran, Worthington. Kendra was one of more than 800 people who helped package your synod’s 240,000+ meals through “Better Together,” a food packaging and community relations-building ministry that was done in Worthington and Willmar in July 2017. At least two more events will happen in 2018! The food is given to local food shelves, backpack programs, and to disabled/homeless veterans here in SW MN. Kendra said:
Your generosity matters. It grows faith and feeds people! It strengthens communities as relationships are grown! Your gifts will be used again in 2018 for this local ministry in new locations!
Our global mission partnership with young adults will be strengthened. Here is just one example of partnership with our brothers and sisters in Southern Africa. Because of previous support, Christina Nelson was one of five young adults from SW MN Synod who received a grant to visit South Africa in 2017. Christina wrote:
Our hope is to be able to send a young adult from every one of our conferences over the next couple of years. Your gift will help make these life-changing experiences happen.
All of our 2017 Advent Appeal will be given to “Enhance Local and Global Mission.”
Your gift will be doubled to grow disciples, generate hope, and transform lives in Jesus’ name here and beyond!
*2017 Advent Appeal is focused on the part of Embrace God’s Mission + Equip God’s People funding initiative where we Enhance Local and Global Mission.
Please make a generous gift today. If you have given a previous gift, THANK YOU! We appreciate this support. We are asking you to please consider another gift in this matching-gift challenge.
If you are a first-time contributor, thank you for considering an investment in this local and global ministry focus. We are grateful for your gift! Reminder: gifts will be matched up to $10,000.
Thank you for YOUR support! We look forward to celebrating the maximizing of your gift with this matching gift to enable us to extend God’s mission through local and global faith communities!
If you would like to mail your gift please send to: SW MN Synod, PO Box 499, Redwood Falls, MN 56283.