Lay Ministry Learning

+Post by Pastor Heather Culuris, Synod Minister 

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of God who called you out of darkness into God's marvelous light... (1 Pet. 2:9) 

Almost 2000 years ago, these words were written to the earliest Christians, trying to understand what it meant to live out the Christian faith in their lives.  Today, these words speak to us as well.  As we live out our lives of faith we proclaim the praise of God in our lives and in our congregations. Pastors and Deacons serve in a unique way, called by the church to lead worship, preach, preside at the sacraments, reach out, serve others, and lead God’s people in very particular roles.  Yet, what about those places that are continuing vibrant ministry even without a called, rostered minister?  In our synod, amazing, faithful, lay leaders have stepped forward in their congregations and communities to lead worship and help with preaching.  Many of these lay leaders have participated in some sort of training and are authorized by the bishop to serve in this way.  If you are serving your congregation as a lay preacher or worship leader, here are some classes that can help you grow in your knowledge and ministry skills.  These classes also can help individuals deepen their faith. 


Faith+Lead Academy through Luther Seminary

Faith+Lead Academy offers one-time courses including “You’ve been asked to Preach:  Now What?” Some courses are live online and some are on demand, and a yearlong cohort “School for Lay Ministry” that is offered annually. 

If you are interested in the yearlong "School for Lay Ministry" courses that are focused on a variety of topics, including history, biblical learning, practical learning about weddings and funerals, etc, visit the Faith+Lead School for Lay Ministry webpage: Cohort: School for Lay Ministry Learning Community


Select Learning

Resources are available online and on DVDs, including classes on the Bible and Church history.  There is a track of suggested courses laid out to guide Synodically Authorized Lay Leaders.


Region 3 Training: "LED By Faith" 

This regional training includes three paths from which participants can select:
Lay Ministry Training Path – includes assignment for lay leaders in a synod-authorized ministry congregation,
Enrichment for Daily Life Path - for the joy of learning, and a
Discernment of Vocation for the Church Path – for those wondering about deeper service.

Lay leaders occasionally will be called upon to serve in pulpit supply and other lay leadership roles.  Six courses, mostly taught by pastors from Region 3, include Bible, preaching, Lutheran Confessions, church administration (leadership/stewardship), pastoral care, and worship.  Offered over a two-year period (three courses per year), participants are invited to take any or all courses at any time they are offered.  

Invitation is made to participants only upon recommendation of their synod bishop. The program is administered in consultation with the bishops of Region 3. Please contact Bishop Dee Pederson for more information.


If you are hearing God’s call to serve in ways beyond lay leadership, Pr. Heather can help you discern your vocation, whether it is being authorized by the bishop or taking steps to ordained ministry as a pastor or deacon, please reach out to the synod office.

Pastor Heather Culuris
SW MN Synod Minister for Engaging Leaders
Email:  [email protected]
Cell:  218-851-8865

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