Stewardship Zoom Recordings

GSB Fundraising Consultants, Pete Reuss and Paul Marsh, provided Zoom Stewardship Trainings for Rostered Ministers and Lay Leaders on Thursday, August 17th. Click the links below to view the recordings.

Rostered Ministers Zoom Recording
Stories of Thanksgiving – Energized Congregations are Generous Congregations

All Congregation Leaders Zoom Recording
Telling Stories – Exciting Congregations

Team Talking

Rostered Ministers Zoom Recording

What if your congregation told stories of the way that the people’s lives are impacted by your ministry? What if the people who generously give of their time and resources to your congregation knew that their giving made a difference?

Rev. Pete Reuss will guide a practical conversation connecting stories and thanking, looking at the impact they can have on your ministry.

Think back over the past few years and think of all the people in your congregation who selflessly stepped forward to ensure your ministry remained strong. Your congregation found creative ways to share God’s love. Now is a great time thank people.

All congregation Leaders Zoom Recording

Most church communications focus on WHAT the congregation does. We talk about the number of people fed at a dinner, or the number of kids in Sunday School, or the number of homebound visits the congregations makes. This information is nice but doesn’t tell the whole story.

What if your congregation started telling stories of WHY your congregation matters? These stories of how people’s lives have been impacted and changed by your congregation help people to see God at work among you.

It’s the difference between saying that 10 youth went on a service trip and hearing one of them tell how they encountered God’s love in amazing ways on the trip. One is information. The other is inspiration.

Paul Marsh will lead a practical conversation about how you can identify and tell these stories in your context.