Synod Staff

Southwestern Minnesota Synod Staff

Pr. Dee Pederson

Pr. Dee Pederson, D.Min.

Pr. Heather Culuris

Pr. Heather Culuris

Synod Minister for Engaging Leaders

Candidacy / First Call / Call Process



Pr. Seyward Ask

Synod Minister for Equipping  Congregation Leaders, Rostered Ministers, Youth, & Families

/ Call Process


Pr. Troy Pflibsen

Pr. Troy Pflibsen

Director for Evangelical Mission

Coaching / Faithful Innovation / Generosity


Tammy Schacher

Tammy Schacher

Administrative Assistant to the Bishop

Office Manager / Roster Administrator / Call Process Coordinator


Kristin Bakeberg

Kristin Bakeberg

Maggie Berggren

Maggie Berggren

Administrative Assistant

Gifts of Grace Support


Pr. Keith Pearson

Regional Gift Planner

Office Phone: 612-718-4197

Pr. Andrew Hermodson-Olsen

Director of Gifts of Grace

Paul Marsh CFRE

Stewardship Specialists / GSB Fundraising

Pr. Pete Reuss

Stewardship Specialists / GSB Fundraising

Pr. Kirsten Nelson Roenfeldt

Synod Coaching Coordinator

Stay Connected

We are church together. From small congregations on the prairie to large congregations in urban centers (and everything in between), we come together as the Southwestern Minnesota Synod.

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