Special Messages

walking together

Mission Support 2021

“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” – Romans 12:4-5 Synod – syn-od (si’-nƏd), from Greek synodos, syn + way, journeying, meeting, walking with. Thank you

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Synod Advent Appeal 2019

Dear friends in ministry – I pray God’s grace and peace are with you as you begin this Advent season, preparing your people to welcome the light of Christ and to reflect it in your communities. For the past several years, your synod has been inviting congregations to participate in a special Advent Appeal as

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Ferman Woodberry

Ferman Woodberry Elected Vice President of Southwestern Minnesota Synod

The synod vice president ballot had three nominees:  Blair Schrader, Kristy Henriksen, and Ferman Woodberry. On the first ballot Ferman Woodberry was elected with 65% of the votes. About 400 voting members were present. Before members voted, Bishop Jon Anderson asked the nominees to share a bit about themselves. The video below captures Ferman speaking

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A Different Holy Week

A Holy Week message from Bishop Jon V. Anderson As we enter in the weekend of the great Passion, I am hearing the great, old and life-giving passages of Holy Week and the Holy Weekend in a different way. That is one of the gifts of living in relationship with scripture, as you journey through

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Lilly Foundation Economic Challenges Initiative Gives Major Grant

Lilly Foundation Economic Challenges Initiative Gives Major Grant to the Southwestern Minnesota Synod and New Jersey Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) For Immediate Release Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded grants of $250,000 to both the Southwestern Minnesota Synod and the New Jersey Synod of the ELCA to sustain the work they have

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