Racial Justice Network

Striving for Racial Justice

We are called to confess the sin of racism, denounce white supremacy, and strive for racial justice. The SW MN Synod Racial Justice Network is a combination of conversations and work. Besides growing through education and offering statements and prayers, we believe we are also called to act and respond to injustices.

Anti-racism Training

Your synod anti-racism team will lead you in a day of interactive learning, small group conversation, and personal work so we can all be better equipped to address racism in our own communities. Wherever you are in your own journey, take your own next step and join us in a day where we work together to talk about real stuff, to care for each other and our neighbors, and to commit to this work together.

Save the Date!

Thursday, November 2nd
American Lutheran Church
in Windom, MN

Group Learning at Workshop

This training is intended as one opportunity to fulfill the SWMN Synod Council’s resolution that “strongly recommends all rostered leaders, authorized ministers, and program staff (faith formation leaders, youth directors, etc.) to participate in annually offered workshops and trainings to develop a greater appreciation for God’s gifts of diversity in all people, deepen cultural competency, increase inclusion of our neighbors, practice equity, and better work toward for racial justice;” and that “Rostered Ministers report on the Rostered Ministers’ annual report how this training involves at least 4 hours every two years.”

Anit-Racism Resources

There is an abundance of anti-racism resources available these days to move us forward in learning and work.  Here are a few to share:

Helpful Upcoming Events

Crossroads for a Digital Engagement Spring and Summer Workshops

Digital workshops are now open:

Introduction to Systemic Racism Workshop

The idea that oppression, and in particular, racism, is not only a matter of individual prejudice but a systemic, institutional problem of power is foundational to the Introduction to Systemic Racism workshop, and requires structural intervention to dismantle. Conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect and courageous space, this workshop is designed to explore racism as a systemic, institutional problem of power that goes beyond personal prejudice. Participants will experience first-hand Crossroad's effective methodology for facilitating productive conversations about race. They will also be introduced to a strategic methodology that can assist people in effectively organizing to dismantle racism in their institutions.

Critical Cultural Competency Workshop

This workshop is designed to help participants create the spaces to be self-reflective about our cultural shaping as individuals and institutions, understand the power dynamics in society that impact us, develop the skills to interrupt old patterns and inequitable practices that limit access and exclude some people from our institutions, build trust and clear communication and begin to understand how to make decisions based on multiple perspectives where all people can be heard and represented.

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