Striving for Racial Justice
Anti-racism Training
Your synod anti-racism team will lead you in a day of interactive learning, small group conversation, and personal work so we can all be better equipped to address racism in our own communities. Wherever you are in your own journey, take your own next step and join us in a day where we work together to talk about real stuff, to care for each other and our neighbors, and to commit to this work together.
Save the Date!
Thursday, November 2nd
American Lutheran Church
in Windom, MN
This training is intended as one opportunity to fulfill the SWMN Synod Council’s resolution that “strongly recommends all rostered leaders, authorized ministers, and program staff (faith formation leaders, youth directors, etc.) to participate in annually offered workshops and trainings to develop a greater appreciation for God’s gifts of diversity in all people, deepen cultural competency, increase inclusion of our neighbors, practice equity, and better work toward for racial justice;” and that “Rostered Ministers report on the Rostered Ministers’ annual report how this training involves at least 4 hours every two years.”