Listening Process


Summary of Synod Listening Process

Last summer and fall, through several phases of listening, the Southwestern Minnesota Synod sought insights from congregations and leaders on their ministries.

The Southwestern Minnesota Synod sought to gain insights on how congregations and leaders wish to be equipped, provide insights into why synod ministries exist, and ensure that synod ministries are responsive to our people in this changing time.

Listening Format
At the 2024 Synod Assembly the Southwestern Minnesota Synod launched an online survey for congregation members to share their perspectives. The survey remained open until Nov. 2024. Overall, 173 people took the survey.

In October, small group listening sessions were held throughout the synod, three in-person (New Ulm, Marshall, Albany) and one virtual via Zoom. Approximately 40 people took part in the conversations.

Major Themes
The congregations of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod bring vastly different perspectives and experiences to this process. The following themes emerged, some touting them as areas of strength and excitement and others sharing them as areas of concern.

  • Youth and Family Engagement
  • Worship/Spiritual Growth
  • Community Outreach and Service
  • Staffing
  • Volunteerism
  • Finances
  • Internal Relationships


Click here to view and download the whole Listening Process Summary.

Supporting Documents:

The synod's leadership is committed to listening to you! This listening process was guided by Pr. Pete Reuss and the Synod Generosity Team. Interpretations were made by Pr. Pete Reuss.

For any questions or follow up please contact:

Pr. Pete Reuss, Synod Storytelling and Generosity

Bishop Dee Pederson
[email protected]

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