Events Calendar

Vital Congregations Re-BOOT Cohort

Congregations in SWMN have attended in the past and the impact has been powerful! Is your congregation ready to take some steps (even small steps) toward renewal or revitalization? Are you ready to try some new things, share some ideas, gain a greater understanding of the broader mission, bring clarity about your own congregation’s mission, […]

“I am Called” Discerning a Call to Public Ministry Zoom Gathering

God calls everyone to do God's work in the world. How is God calling you? Explore that question in a series of Zoom conversations. This event is open to all in Region 3 (Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota). Session One: Public Ministry in the ELCA Learn about discernment resources and explore the call to […]

“I am called” Discerning a Call to Public Ministry Zoom Gathering

God calls everyone to do God's work in the world. How is God calling you? Explore that question in a series of Zoom conversations. This event is open to all in Region 3 (Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota). Session One: Public Ministry in the ELCA Learn about discernment resources and explore the call to […]

Lay Leaders Zoom Gathering for Presidents / Officers

It’s a new year, and with it comes new leaders, new opportunities, and some of the ongoing challenges churches are facing in this changing time! Whether you are newly-elected to leadership or passing the baton to someone new after an annual meeting of the congregation, this gathering is for you! We’ll gather for a time of prayer, […]

Ethics and Boundaries for Ministers Training

Not-Your-Average Boundaries Training by Leaderwise Wednesday and Thursday, February 23 and 24, 2022 Zoom Meeting 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (each day) Cost: $50 Presenters: Leaderwise & Bishop Dee Pederson Registration Deadline: February 13 Click here to register It’s our experience that pastors, church staff, and other leaders who transgress boundaries by-and-large are not predators. […]

Lay Leaders Zoom Gathering: Congregation Finances

This gathering will be especially for presidents, treasurers, and anyone who works with church finances or stewardship. Come hear a presentation from David C. Anfinson, CPA/PFS, Former SW MN Synod Treasurer, on church finances. Whether you are new to church finances or a veteran, equip yourself with the best practices to help your congregation manage […]

Sr. High Youth Gathering – CANCELED

After much prayer and conversation the SW MN LYO Board made the difficult decision to cancel the 2022 Senior High Youth Gathering. This is due to very low registration numbers that made having the gathering infeasible. The LYO Board is fully committed to lifting up the voices of young people in the church and creating […]

Rostered Ministers Zoom Gathering

“After Two years of Pandemic Life, Who are We?” In this gathering for Rostered Ministers, Dr. Betsy Stone will speak about the reality of the whiplash and trauma we’ve been living through in these past 2 years, and the stress this has placed upon our brains and our bodies. She will especially help us consider […]

Ministry Basics Workshop

Positive Pastor and Congregation Relationships: Building a path forward together Tuesday, April 19th @ 7pm via Zoom! This Zoom workshop will give concrete tips and pointers for building positive relationships between pastors and congregations.  Presenter: Pr. Heather Culuris, SW MN Synod Minister for Engaging Leaders Aim Audience: Congregational leaders, especially those in the process of […]

SW MN WELCA Convention

"CELEBRATE" To celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the forming of the Women of the ELCA Opening Worship with Bishop Dee Pederson Guest Speaker: Synod Minister Heather Culuris Visit the SW MN WELCA website for detailed information. Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church (800 10th St S, Benson, MN 56215)