Events Calendar

Vital Congregations Re-BOOT Cohort

Congregations in SWMN have attended in the past and the impact has been powerful! Is your congregation ready to take some steps (even small steps) toward renewal or revitalization? Are you ready to try some new things, share some ideas, gain a greater understanding of the broader mission, bring clarity about your own congregation’s mission, […]

“I am Called” Discerning a Call to Public Ministry Zoom Gathering

God calls everyone to do God's work in the world. How is God calling you? Explore that question in a series of Zoom conversations. This event is open to all in Region 3 (Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota). Session One: Public Ministry in the ELCA Learn about discernment resources and explore the call to […]

“I am called” Discerning a Call to Public Ministry Zoom Gathering

God calls everyone to do God's work in the world. How is God calling you? Explore that question in a series of Zoom conversations. This event is open to all in Region 3 (Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota). Session One: Public Ministry in the ELCA Learn about discernment resources and explore the call to […]