Events Calendar

Synod Assembly Resolution Hearing

The Resolution 22.01 Hearing Zoom link was emailed to registered Synod Assembly voting members. Other assembly hearing dates and recordings:  Proposed 2023 Compensation Guidelines: Click here to view the Zoom recording from Tuesday, May 17th. Proposed 2023 Budget Hearing: Click here to view the Zoom recording from Thursday, May 19th. Tech Session: Canceled All hearings […]

Synod Assembly Tech Session- Canceled

On Saturday, May 21, the Synod Council voted to cancel the 2022 Synod Assembly due to the inability to attain quorum.  This was a very difficult decision and a disappointment. The Synod Assembly Planning Committee, your Synod Staff, and many others have done a tremendous amount of work getting us to this point. Reflecting on […]

2022 Synod Assembly – Canceled

On Saturday, May 21, the Synod Council voted to cancel the 2022 Synod Assembly due to the inability to attain quorum.  This was a very difficult decision and a disappointment. The Synod Assembly Planning Committee, your Synod Staff, and many others have done a tremendous amount of work getting us to this point. Reflecting on […]

Lutheran Men and Mission Golf Tournament

Location: Redwood Falls Golf Club, Redwood Falls, MN Registration: 2:30pm Shotgun Start: 3:00pm Registration Deadline: July 18th Registrations, payments and donations should be mailed to LMM Treasurer, Reynold Dittbenner at 24533 State Hwy 4, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085. Price: $70 per golfer - Includes golf cart, green fees, meal, prizes and a donation to LMM.

EcoFaith Leadership Retreat

The EcoFaith Leadership Retreat is coming soon at which area synods will gather and start building a regional Creation Care Network. This will be a leadership retreat sponsored by the NE MN Synod EcoFaith Network and will be held August 14 – 16 at Camp Onamia, Onamia, MN. This year the NE MN Synod has […]

Ministry Basics Workshop: Safety and Security at Church

Is your congregation ready to respond to a security threat during the week or in worship? Attend this Ministry Basics Zoom Workshop to learn how one congregation developed and implemented a Safety & Security Plan that can be adapted for use in your congregation. Presenters: LaNae Cobb & Lon Enerson, Safety & Security Team from Bethlehem […]

Zoom Gathering: Compensation Guidelines and Portico

This Zoom gathering is especially for Congregation Councils, Personnel Committees, and Rostered Ministers. Come hear an overview of the 2023 Synod Compensation Guidelines and how Portico Benefits figure into the definition of compensation for Rostered Ministers. Presenters: Tammy Schacher, Pr. Janel Kuester, Pr. Heather Culuris, and Deacon Terri Endres This gathering will NOT be recorded […]

Congregation Presidents Zoom Gathering

Calling all Congregation Presidents! We know the past few years have been challenging for all church leaders! We also recognize that Presidents of congregations carry unique responsibilities often not anticipated when you began to serve. Bishop Pederson and Synod Pastoral Staff are here to walk with you and will be holding a Zoom gathering planned […]

Fall Theological Conference

@ Luther Crest Bible Camp, Alexandria MN Welcome to this year’s Fall Theological Conference planned especially for Pastors, Deacons, TEEM Students, Interns, Synodically Authorized Lay Ministers, and paid staff youth coordinators. We are looking forward to all being together in person! Check in starts at 4:30 p.m. with the welcome and the conference beginning at […]

Equipping Congregations Roadshow

2022 SW MN Synod Equipping Congregations Roadshow The equipping workshops are hitting the road! The former Equipping Congregations Day is taking a new format. This Roadshow will offer three different dates and three different locations. Thursday Evening, Nov. 3rd @ Faith Lutheran, Spicer Saturday, Nov. 5th @ First Lutheran, Marshall Monday Evening, Nov. 7th @ […]

Equipping Congregations Roadshow

2022 SW MN Synod Equipping Congregations Roadshow The equipping workshops are hitting the road! The former Equipping Congregations Day is taking a new format. This Roadshow will offer three different dates and three different locations. Thursday Evening, Nov. 3rd @ Faith Lutheran, Spicer Saturday, Nov. 5th @ First Lutheran, Marshall Monday Evening, Nov. 7th @ […]

Equipping Congregations Roadshow

2022 SW MN Synod Equipping Congregations Roadshow The equipping workshops are hitting the road! The former Equipping Congregations Day is taking a new format. This Roadshow will offer three different dates and three different locations. Thursday Evening, Nov. 3rd @ Faith Lutheran, Spicer Saturday, Nov. 5th @ First Lutheran, Marshall Monday Evening, Nov. 7th @ […]

Ethics and Boundaries Training for Ministers

Not-Your-Average Boundaries Training by Leaderwise Wednesday and Thursday, November 9 and 10, 2022 Zoom Meeting 9:00 a.m. – Noon (each day)  Cost: $50 Presenters: Leaderwise & Bishop Dee Pederson Click here to register Registration Deadline: Nov. 1st It’s our experience that pastors, church staff, and other leaders who transgress boundaries by-and-large are not predators. In […]

Junior High Youth Gathering

The LYO Board is incredibly excited to have the gathering materials ready! This is a YOUTH LED event that is planned by the Southwestern Minnesota Synod Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) Board. This year, there is only ONE option for the JH Gathering: Friday Nov 18th-Saturday Nov 19th 2022. Because this is a year of transition […]

Zoom Gathering “Annual Meetings: A Time to Give Thanks and Look Ahead”

Congregation Lay Leaders Zoom Gathering “Annual Meetings: A Time to Give Thanks and Look Ahead” Wednesday, Nov. 30 @ 7:00 p.m. via Zoom This Zoom gathering is especially for Congregation Councils and Rostered Ministers. The agenda will include: -Word and Prayer – Dwelling in Advent -Staffing updates, welcome to and introduction of new Synod Minister […]