Congregation Leadership Data
Please update your congregation leadership data annually. The synod office uses this information for the call process, giving statements, and getting helpful resources to the correct person.
Worship Supply
The Worship Supply list include Ministers of the Word and Ministers on Word & Sacrament who are interested in doing supply preaching in the SW MN Synod.
Guidelines for Worship Supply
For Sunday mornings and midweek services, the congregation or parish shall compensate the supply pastor or worship leader $175 for the first worship service, plus $50 for each additional worship service on the same day. Auto reimbursement shall be at the current IRS standard mileage rate.
ELCA Congregation Report Form A
Each year, every congregation and synod-authorized worshiping community (SAWC) is asked to provide information about its people, finances, and resources through the Annual Congregation Report (Form A). This provides the churchwide organization and synods with a picture of the congregations and worshiping communities that make up the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). This summary report also provides the congregation with important information about its ministries and programs and perspectives in planning for the future.
Please ensure that this form is given to the people in your congregation who, together, will provide the information needed to complete the report. This likely will include a pastor, administrative person, treasurer, or president. The report can also be used as a helpful conversation / planning resource for a Church Council.
The data from the Annual Congregation Report is shared on your congregation’s full trend report on the ELCA’s website. (To view a congregation’s trend report on the ELCA website, click Find a Congregation and type in the zip code, click on the congregation’s name.)
- Letter from Secretary Sue Rothmeyer
- 2024 Form A
- General instructions
- Financial Stewardship Worksheet - PDF
- Financial Stewardship Worksheet - Excel
- Form A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click here to access your congregation's Form A online.