Synod Assembly News

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5/2/2024 News

Assembly Registration Update: We have now reached the maximum room capacity for voting members attending onsite in the plenary room, Eckhoff­ Alumni Hall. If you, or your congregation, have not yet registered and hope to attend in-person, we encourage you to register today. A waiting list has been created and an overflow room/watch party will be available onsite.

Read the Assembly registration information below before registering. 


ASSEMBLY REGISTRATION: Hurry! Register now!  

We are excited to announce that Assembly registration is in full swing! We have almost reached the maximum capacity for voting members attending onsite! If you, or your congregation, have not registered and hope to attend in-person, we encourage you to do so today. Space is limited!


What is an Assembly Hearing? At the hearings, committee leaders educate voting members on the important documents which require an Assembly vote. Most importantly, the hearings are a time for leaders to listen to the concerns of voting members, create dialogue, and answer questions. All Assembly hearings will be on Zoom. Voting members will be emailed an invitation to attend the hearings the first week of May.  


  • COMPENSATION GUIDELINES: Monday, May 13 at 7:00 pm.
    Click here to view the Zoom Recording.
    The Compensation Guidelines are an important tool in determining the salary and benefits of rostered leaders, lay staff, pulpit supply, and providing other important information.

  • RESOLUTION HEARING: Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 pm.
    Resolutions are requests from synods to the ELCA Church Council or units of the churchwide organization. They may originate from synod councils or synod assemblies and have a narrow focus.  
  • BUDGET HEARING: Monday, May 20 at 7:00 pm.
    The Synod Treasurer, Bob Haines, will address the 2026 proposed budget. Bob, and other members of the committee, will listen to voting member feedback, answer questions, and define proposed changes.  
    Attending the Assembly orientation will ensure voting members know what to bring, where to go, and how to vote. Whether you are attending online or onsite, the orientation will better prepare you for the Assembly. Bring your questions!  

To find more information and register for the Synod Assembly, click here.  

The last day to register for the Assembly, or make changes to your current registration, is May 23, 2024. 

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