Posted 8/15/2024
Bp. Dee Pederson
Dear friends - If the news these days is giving you whiplash, you are not alone! We have entered an election season that seems more contentious and emotional than ever before. Relationship tensions across our communities and congregations, and within families are strong. In years before, it seemed like we could worship side-by-side with people who disagreed politically, but today, that’s a challenge!
So how do live together as the church in these times?
How do we regard one another?
Remember that:
The people with whom we worship are beloved children of God, each one created in the image of God. (Genesis 1)
Jesus Christ has made us one. We are together in Christ, not alone. It’s about unity, not uniformity.
God gave us two ears and one mouth. Listening to others is a valued and sometimes learned practice. Olympic athletes practice their skills. We as Christians get to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Galatians 5)
Things we post on social media are there forever. Be intentional about how you engage in conversations in posts. It is far easier to share memes that demonize others, rather than those that exhibit kindness.
There are great resources available to you and your congregation.
As the ELCA, we have plenty of resources that can be helpful as we worship together these days. And now, especially as the ELCA is suddenly named nationally, from a variety of perspectives. A primary document to guide messaging is located here: Being A Public Church.pdf ( Additional links to several other related resource documents can be accessed here: Political Activity and Tax Status.pdf (
Short story: because of our tax status, neither synods nor congregations may support or endorse candidates for office, but they are permitted to engage in issue advocacy and neutral political activity (e.g., nonpartisan registration drives, serving as a polling location, etc.). Pastors, deacons, church employees, and church members can endorse or support candidates, but only if it is clear that they are acting in their personal capacity and not in their capacity as leaders or employees of their congregations or as representing the whole congregation. As rostered ministers discuss in boundaries training, this can be blurry because most of us serve in areas where we are always recognized and greeted as “Pr.” or “Deacon.” So, please think twice before putting your pastor on the spot. We cannot endorse a candidate from the pulpit or on the congregation’s Facebook page, or place a candidate’s political advertising on the congregation’s lawn.
This is a great time to open up study resources for our congregations!
Check out:
- The 1991 Social Statement, Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective.
- Lutheran Woman Today, 2010, for an excellent introduction to the Statement.
- The Social Message, Government and Civic Engagement in the United States: Discipleship in a Democracy.
- And the new draft statement, Civic Life and Faith.
- The task force is receiving feedback and comments until Sept. 24, 2024. Do engage.
As those who prepare for worship, it can be challenging to craft prayers for the worshiping assembly these days. Like the earliest Jesus followers, we may say, “We do not know how to pray.” Here are some beautiful and solid prayers you might consider, from All Creation Sings:
Sovereign God, your Son Jesus lived within the structures of society even as he spoke truth to those in power and challenged systems of oppression. Empower us to be courageous disciples and responsible citizens. Grant that our life in the public realm be grounded in love for our neighbors, care for the most vulnerable in our midst, and respect for the common life we share, following the example of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Gracious God, we pray for our public servants [ names ], that they do their work in a spirit of wisdom, charity, and justice. Inspire them to use their authority to serve faithfully and to promote our common life. Guide our leaders to govern in such a way that all people enjoy a peaceful and just society. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Eternal God, your Word brought forth creation, and your Spirit brings order out of chaos and confusion. You breathe upon us, and we are able to hear one another with language we can understand. Pour out your Spirit upon us now, that even when we disagree on the way forward, we may remain united in Jesus Christ, in whom we are known and accepted with a single love. Amen.
God, our gracious giver, your Son Jesus taught us that where our treasure is there our hearts will be also. Teach us to love people more than money, relationships more than things, and you above all, that the way we live will reflect what we truly value and believe. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who emptied himself in love for us, and now reigns with you and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.