Summer Sermons Available

Summer is often a difficult time to find pastors and lay people to do worship supply, especially for those congregations that are currently without a pastor or interim to serve them. For this reason, the synod staff has made sermons available to congregations. The sermons are available in a PDF format to read or by video. There are no bulletins or hymn suggestions paired with these sermons. We hope this will serve as one way we can support congregation leaders and members as they continue to move forward God’s mission in the world.


Sermon for July 21st (Psalm 23) by Pr. Heather Culuris
-Click here to view and download the PDF file. 
-Click here to download the video.

Sermon for Aug. 4th (John 6:24-35) by Pr. Seyward Ask 
-Click here to view and download the PDF file. 
-Click here to download the video.

Sermon for Aug. 11th (John 6:35, 41-51) by Pr. Seyward Ask 
-Click here to view and download the PDF file. 
-Click here to download the video.

Sermon for Aug. 25th (John 6:56-69) by Bp. Dee Pederson
-Click here to view and download the PDF file.
-Click here to download the video.

Sermon to use for anytime (2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1) by Pr. Heather Culuris
-Click here to view and download the PDF file. 
-Click here to download the video.

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