In June the SW MN Synod will again be welcoming guests from our Companion Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa - South Eastern Diocese: Bishop Myaka, who serves as bishop of the ELCSA-SED and presiding bishop of ELCSA and Mr. Mkhize, the ELCSA-SED Partnership Committee Chair.
Help us in welcoming them at worship:
Sunday, June 9th
- 9:00 am Gethsemane, 221 E Atlantic Ave, Dassel, MN 55325
Preaching: Mr. Mkhize
- 8:45 am Grace Lutheran Church, 8638 Plum Ave, Brownton, MN 55312
Preaching: Bp. Myaka
- 10:30 am River of Hope Lutheran Church (worship held at Hutchinson Event Center) 1005 MN Hwy 15, Hutchinson, MN 55350
Preaching: Bp. Myaka
or by joining them for a potluck at noon on June 9th at River of Hope Lutheran Church— All are welcome!
Draw your church together, O God, into one great company of disciples, together following our teacher Jesus Christ into every walk of life, together serving in Christ’s mission to the world, and together witnessing to your love wherever you will send us; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.
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Please keep our friends from the ELCSA-SED in your prayers as they prepare, travel, and build new relationships and nurture existing relationships among our church bodies and members.
Remember, too, in your prayers, the people of South Africa, as they participate in elections on May 29th to choose their national and provincial governing bodies and in ELCSA church elections throughout this year.
If you have any questions, please contact Peg Hatlestad at [email protected].
These relationships are rooted in “accompaniment,” which promotes the values of mutuality, inclusivity, vulnerability, empowerment, and sustainability. Through the program, companion churches and ELCA synods nurture and strengthen one another for life and ministry through prayer, study, communication, exchange of visitors, and sharing of resources.