Welcome Rev. Seyward Ask
Synod Minister for Equipping Congregation Leaders, Rostered Ministers, Youth, & Families.

Pastor Seyward Ask
On Saturday, April 13, the Southwestern Minnesota Synod Council voted to extend a Letter of Call for the new Synod Minister position to Rev. Seyward Ask.
Pastor Seyward was ordained in 2010 at her home congregation, First Lutheran in Morris. She served in two congregations in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area prior to moving to Willmar in 2016, where she served in ministry for 6 years at Faith Lutheran in Spicer. She then worked as the Executive Director of the United Way of West Central MN. She recently chaired the Equipping Congregations Day planning team, has been assisting in an interim capacity for Vinje Lutheran, Willmar, and St. John’s, Raymond, and has provided pulpit supply for many congregations in the Synod. Pastor Seyward lives in Willmar with her husband (Justin Ask, Lead Pastor at Vinje) and their three children (Brooklyn, Maggie & Remy).
This new position brings together responsibilities for call process in 5 Conferences with supporting youth & family ministries and the LYO Board in this vital work. The process for creating the new position began in December, and final interviews were held in April. Thanks to Roseann Nagel (Personnel Committee), Pr. Jon Dahl (Personnel Committee), Pr. Chris Richards (Synod Council), Donn Hoffman (Executive Committee), Vice President Maria Lokensgard for leading this process, along with Bishop Pederson.
Pastor Seyward writes, “I am so thrilled for this opportunity to serve our Synod in this position. I am eager to work with congregations as they navigate the call process. I also look forward to finding meaningful ways to support and equip youth and family ministry leaders throughout our synod. Both of these areas are so important to the success of a church, and I am excited to begin this new call.”
Pastor Seyward will be installed and will begin serving in this position at the Synod Assembly.