Synod Staff: Who to Contact

Each synod staff person has specific areas of responsibility and knowledge. This list will help you to identify who can best assist you with your needs or questions. We are here for you.

Open position: Synod Minister for Equipping Congregation Leaders, Rostered Ministers, Youth, and Families description can be found by clicking here. Thank you for your prayers as we work to fill this position.

Pr. Dee Pederson

Bishop Dee Pederson: Pastoral care of pastors and congregations, synod governance and policy, misconduct, concluding congregational ministry, preaching, congregational partnership work, synod financial matters, complex call process, conflict management 

Tammy Schacher

Tammy Schacher:  Roster related questions and changes, change of contact information, Synod Assembly, conference and synod nominations work, Synod Council and other committee support, Call Process Administration, human resources related matters, Executive Assistant to the Bishop 

Pr. Heather Culuris

Pastor Heather Culuris:  Synod Minister, Candidacy, Call Process, First Call Theological Education, Synod WELCA liaison, Interim Collaborative, congregational and pastoral care, planning and coordination of educational events, compensation guidelines and scholarship committees, worship and preaching in congregations 

Pr. Troy Pflibsen

Pastor Troy Pflibsen:  Director for Evangelical Mission, generosity/stewardship, congregational partnerships, visioning and long-range planning, Anti-Racism team, Hunger team, Faithful Innovation, Creation Care, Mission Development/New starts, Words Words Words (reading groups), Lutheran Advocacy Minnesota 

Maggie Berggren

Maggie Berggren: Congregational giving and financial matters, Congregational Report support, constitutions, Gifts of Grace administrative support, Companion Synod questions, general questions 

Kristin Bakeberg

Kristin Bakeberg: Communications, e-news and website, events and registration, support to Candidacy, administrative support 

Christa Forsythe:  LYO Contact

Jon Wendt:  ELCA National Youth Gathering Champion 

Kirstin Nelson-Roenfeldt:  Coaching Coordinator 

Pete Ruess and Paul Marsch:  Generosity/Stewardship 

Keith Pearson:  ELCA Endowments/Gifts planner 

Andrew Hermodson-Olson:  Gifts of Grace including retirement readiness, medical expense, counseling, debt relief grants 

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