Advent Giving

Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has pow’r to save us. Make us your living voice.
Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness.
Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today. -ELW 715

As we near the end of 2023, I invite you to prayerfully consider joining your generosity to that of many others throughout the Southwestern Minnesota Synod.

The season of Advent this year finds many longing for peace and hope, for help and healing and light. We believe this light comes from the power of God’s word and the good news of Jesus Christ. You – the leaders and members of the congregations of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod – are the living voice of Christ. Jesus shines in you and in your congregation as you worship. Jesus shines in you as you then as you ‘go in peace to serve the Lord’ wherever God sends you.

“We are grateful for the support from our Synod partners! I am proud of what was accomplished, moving our congregation towards the future doing God's work. The synod’s presence made a difference and helped give me the centering that was needed for leadership at this pivotal time in the life of our congregation.” - A Congregational Leader, 2023

Generous giving from congregations and individuals has allowed us to continue and to adapt synod ministries as Christ’s living voice:

  • Singing together in Christ Chapel, Gustavus Adolphus College, as the church gathered for the first in-person Synod Assembly in four years with the theme, “Embody the Word”!
  • Learning together as Rostered Ministers discovered the importance of hospitality for in-person and online worship “Serving the Word Today” in this new “both/and” world.
  • Growing together as congregation leaders gather for a one-day Equipping Congregations Day on December 2, 2023, to consider how we are called to be “Living the Word Today.”

Many congregations are discovering the joy of new relationships and stronger ministries as they partner with neighboring congregations for area outreach and changing leadership.

We’re eager to do more in this time of change, and your gift can make that happen. An additional $15,000 in giving will allow the synod to continue to equip the rostered and lay leaders who are Christ’s living voice in the congregations and communities across this synod.

Would you provide a financial gift to make this possible? All sizes of gifts, whether $25 or $2500, will have a great impact. Know that we are so grateful for your generosity.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”
May the Light of Christ shine in your heart and in the lives of all who worship with your congregation this Advent-Christmas.

+ Grace, peace, love, and joy in Christ,
Rev. Dee Pederson, D.Min.
Bishop, Southwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA

shiny christmas stars
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