Thank you and Godspeed, Pr. Nikoli! 

Life includes comings and goings. A new transition comes as Synod Youth Ministry Coordinator, Pr. Nikoli Falenschek, concludes his ministry in Southwestern Minnesota at the end of November. Pr. Nikoli has been doing awesome ministry with our LYO Board and congregational youth & family leaders. This summer, he moved to Iowa, but continued to work in our Synod Youth Ministry position through the fall. Now he has received a full-time interim call and needs to conclude his work here. Here is his note:

To the fantastic folks of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod,
I'm writing to inform you that, as of November 30, I will no longer serve as the Synod Youth Ministry Coordinator. Many of you know that I recently moved to Iowa and have started serving as a full-time interim pastor. These life-changes, along with the geographical distance, lead me to resign from this position of serving the amazing students, children, and leaders of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod. You have been a pleasure and honor to serve, and I will forever be grateful to you for the shared ministry we've experienced. Especially to the LYO Board, I have been forever changed by your passion, friendship, and faith. Thank you all, and blessings on your continued ministry in this corner of Minnesota.

We are so going to miss his energy and creativity, both across the synod and among our staff. Pr. Nikoli will be able to be with our people for the Jr. High Youth Gathering in Willmar Nov. 17-19. Many of us will be able to express our gratitude and thanks to him then. In the meantime, we will be seeking temporary leadership assistance to carry forward this ministry. And we send Pr. Nikoli our heartfelt thanks, love, and blessings for the future.

Pr. Nikoli Falenscheck
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