“Annual Meetings: a Time to Give Thanks and Look Ahead”

The synod staff gathered with Lay Leaders on Nov. 30th to help congregations get ready for Annual Meetings. Please watch and share this Zoom recording with your congregation council.
-View the Zoom Recording

The next Lay Leaders Zoom Gathering will be February 15th. Be sure to update your congregation leadership data to make sure leaders are receiving these emails.
-Submit your congregation leadership data.

-Tips for Energizing Congregational Meetings by Pr. Stephen Cook
Building a narrative spending plan by Bp. Dee Pederson
Mission Support letter to congregations
SW MN Synod Narrative Budget
Share your Mission Support plan for 2023
ELCA Mission Support – SW MN Synod Deep Dive

Bishop Dee’s Annual Report and the ELCA 2022 Report Covers are forthcoming.

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