Pr. Naomi Mahler brings a strong background and training to this position. She has been serving as an Associate Pastor at Calvary Lutheran Church, Willmar, since 2014, sharing pastoral responsibilities and relating to the Boards of Outreach and Worship. She served as Interim CEO of Green Lake Lutheran Ministries, 2012-2014, overseeing organizational operations, administering the annual budgeting process, and communicating with congregations. She served as the Director of The Link, an Ecumenical and Advocacy and Resource Network, 2010-2012.
Pr. Naomi served as Pastor for Paz Y Esperanza Lutheran Church in Willmar from 2001-2010, and served in ELCA Global Mission in Costa Rica from 1998-2001.
She is a graduate of Luther College and Luther Seminary and has additional training in Bowen Family Systems Theory (2002-2015) and Emotional Intelligence and Leadership.
The call to serve as a Synod Minister is a call extended by the Synod Council. The interview team included Dale Brandsoy & Chuck Engebretson – Synod Council, Gwen Arnesen – previous Vice President, Nan Crary – Personnel, and Bishop Dee Pederson.
Pr. Naomi is excited to begin serving in this new role on November 11, 2022.
“I am looking forward to this opportunity to serve congregations and pastors of this synod and excited about how we might walk together in this journey of faith! I am also grateful to Pr. Stephen Cook and his service as he wraps us his time with the synod.” – Pr. Naomi
Pr. Stephen Cook will conclude his synod ministry on November 30, providing the opportunity for overlap and onboarding. We give thanks for his wise leadership and dedication to this ministry.