Gifts of Grace Sunday!

Gifts of Grace is about building a culture of healthy, sustained ministry leadership in southwestern Minnesota congregations. As a partnership with the Lilly Foundation Inc. the long-term goal of Gifts of Grace is that all of us continue to live out our callings well into the future.

Across the synod, we are inviting congregations to choose a Sunday to designate as Gifts of Grace Sunday any time in October or November. This can be a great opportunity to open up conversations about financial health for all of your participants, and to lift up ways your congregation can support the Gifts of Grace program.

gifts of grace

Through a process of deep listening, Gifts of Grace leaders discovered that student debt, medical debt, and deficient retirement savings present barriers to Rostered Ministers becoming the generous, vibrant leaders needed in our congregations. The Gifts of Grace project seeks to address those three areas by making grants available to assist Rostered Ministers and thereby free them to live fully into their calling to teach and preach about God’s generosity for all of us. Gifts of Grace also provides resources to increase financial literacy and financial health among our leaders, and to provide stewardship trainings that equip them with speak with confidence about biblical stewardship, congregational annual appeals, congregational endowments, and special capital appeals.

Resources to lift up Gifts of Grace in congregations include:
•Liturgy Resource
•Video Sermon by Pr. Kelly France (see below)
•Giving Card
•Thank You Bulletin Insert

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