Mission support dollars make ministry happen!

Mission support is the term used to describe that percentage of the tithes and offerings your congregation shares beyond your local ministry site. The mission support you send is invested here in the Southwestern Minnesota Synod and globally through our ELCA because we live out God’s vision and mission.

Thank you! Your mission support makes a difference as we are called to
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Below are two documents to share with your congregation:

– Letter to congregations
– Mission Support Narrative Budget

As your congregation prepares a budget for 2020, please share with us your PROPOSED mission support budget amount for the Southwestern Minnesota Synod. This will allow us to effectively plan the use of funds given by congregations to support God’s work.

Click here to register your Mission Support Intent

Mission Support Letter

Narrative Budget

Other Helpful Resources

Understanding our ministry together is important. Together we achieve things on a scale and scope that we could never do otherwise. Share these resources with your council and congregation/organization.

All of these titles are links; please click the titles below to view.

Stories of Faith in Action is a free, annual publication that highlights how God is changing lives through mission support, the percentage of your congregational offering that is shared with your synod and your churchwide organization.

Each year ELCA congregations vote to set aside a percentage of their finances for mission support, but members may wonder – especially when finances are challenging – how is our mission support offering used by our synod and churchwide organization?

This resource answers this question through stories and pictures that illustrate our shared ministry as the ELCA, and it is now available online! Click here to download a PDF file.

To order free copies, call 800-638-3522 and ask for ELCAMA1340.
Order online at www.ELCA.org/resources
You’ll pay only for shipping!

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