Synod Assembly App

We’re excited to announce we have a brand NEW mobile guide for you to use at the synod assembly! Get the App/Guide to access the most up-to-date information for the synod assembly. This guide is easy to use, has all the pre-assembly materials, plus fun photos about our assembly prep. Get the app and start interacting with other voting members.

Set-Up Instructions

  1. Click here
  • Scroll down to GET THE ELCA ORGANIZATION & EVENTS APP. Click a button to download on the App Store or insert your cell number to get a text link to your phone.
  1. Download the ELCA Organization & Events App and open.
  2. Search Southwestern Minnesota Synod. Click Get to download the guide for the 2019 Southwestern Minnesota Synod Assembly.

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Sneak peek inside the app!

website app

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